Julian Bradfield photo of me (credit: Tanya Ekanayaka)

Email: jcb@inf.ed.ac.uk (on general University of Edinburgh business)
lfcs-director (at) inf.ed.ac.uk (on LFCS business)
jcb@julianbradfield.org (other academic matters)
GnuPG public key (for routine matters))
Phone: +44 131 650 5998

Informatics Forum
10 Crichton St
United Kingdom
My UoE office is IF 4.07.

I am Reader in Computer Science in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. My first degree was in Mathematics, from Cambridge (B.A. 1985, M.A. 1988), and after doing the conversion Diploma in Computer Science, I came to Edinburgh for my Ph.D. (awarded 1991). After completing this, I was a postdoc for a couple of years, and since 1992 I've been on the teaching staff.


If you're interested in my research, please go to my research page.

I am interested in supervising Ph.D. study in any of several areas: concurrency, modal and temporal logics, applications of set theory to computer science, application of concurrency to phonology. If you're interested in any of these, contact me, and see the Informatics Postgraduate pages for information about our postgraduate programme and the application procedure.

Undergraduate Internships: The School no longer runs any undergraduate intern programme.

Undergraduate/M.Sc. Teaching

I am currently teaching Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation (with Don Sannella).

The slides from the taster lecture on Fri 12 April 2024 are here, with free bonus slides! edi-intro.pdf.

Postgraduate/research courses

The materials for the ESSLLI2012 course on Formal and Computational Approaches to Phonology are here: ESSLLI2012.


Director of LFCS.


If you're looking for archived information on CSL'02, the CSL'02 home page is still available.


If you're looking for the TolkLang archive, please go to the TolkLang home page.


If you're looking for my Mah-Jong programs, please go to my personal site.


The various bits of software I've written (and let loose) over the years are here.

Printed Manuals

We all use lots of software, for making presentations if nothing else. Some of it is so complex that the manuals are huge, and a challenge to read on screen. So sometimes I just want hard-copy. The manuals are mostly too big to print at the office, and who wants to manually bind a 400-page manual? But now in these days of print-on-demand, it's relatively straightforward to turn any manual into a decent quality and cheap book. So now I do this with manuals I would once have printed. Having made the once-off effort, anybody else can then order the books too, so why not make them available? If you want to look at my list of manuals, go to my manuals page.