Printed Manuals
This page contains a list of the various software manuals that I have
made up into books and had printed for my own use at If you
want hardcopy too, you might find this a convenient way to get them.
Incidentally, if there's a manual you'd like me to do for you rather
than doing it yourself, get in touch. (It has to be something I'd like
a copy of too, as the process involves buying at least one proof
Beamer and PGF
Till Tantau has done for slide presentations what Leslie Lamport did
for TeX. Tantau's beamer package is an astonishingly functional (and
astonishingly engineered) LaTeX package for making slides. It comes
with (or rather uses) a LaTeX graphics package TikZ/PGF that does
almost every thing you can imagine, and then some. The downside is
that the manuals add up to well over a thousand pages. A book is so
much easier to read than a thousand pages of PDF not at all formatted
for the screen, even though one loses the colour.
These manuals are perfect-bound 22cm x 22cm books, about the same
format as the LaTeX book - though I have gone for a more readable 11pt
as the main body size: there's enough small print in the code. Each
book is about 400 pages.
Other TeX and LaTeX
Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol Guide is a dangerous distraction for
anybody who uses symbols in their work. In easily browsable book
form, it's even more dangerous. This is an A4 perfect-bound book of
about 160 pages.
Julian Bradfield
Last modified: Sat Feb 25 09:57:53 GMT 2023